Code of Conduct
Updated over a week ago

Overall, we do not tolerate, endorse, or condone any actions, statements, or behaviors that are discriminatory, derogatory, or harmful based on a person's race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or any other personal characteristic. When registering and using marko, users agree to our Terms & Conditions and commit to respect our community principles.

We believe in a peaceful communication, respecting each other and working together as a community.

1. Transparent Transactions

In the spirit of fostering trust and a safe place, we expect all our community members to use marko the right way.

  • Conduct your buying and selling transactions exclusively through the marko platform (eg. you don’t use alternative payment methods outside of marko or exchange private contact details for conducting orders outside the platform). Conducting orders through marko not only ensures secure payments but also provides a layer of protection for both the seller and the buyer.

  • As a seller, you respect the Return Policy, and can’t decline a return request from a buyer. Offering the possibility to return an item is one of the reasons that make marko the enjoyable platform it is. To minimize returns, make sure to represent your items accurately in both photos and descriptions. This honesty not only helps build trust but also minimizes the likelihood of unexpected returns.

  • In the event of any unforeseen circumstances (eg. delayed shipping or holidays), proactively communicate with the other party. Keeping them informed fosters a cooperative and understanding atmosphere.

2. Respectful Communication

We prioritize creating a respectful and inclusive space for all our community members.

  • We welcome individuals from diverse backgrounds, and therefore strictly prohibit hate speech or discriminatory behavior based on race, ethnicity, nationality, disability, religion or sexual orientation.

  • Every interaction is monitored by our marko guard. We have a strict policy against sexual exploitation, nudity, vulgar/obscene content, or any form of abuse. If you encounter such behavior, please report it.

  • If you come across any member engaging in inappropriate activities, such as posting insulting comments, harassing other, or engaging in suspicious behavior, report their profile. Your vigilance helps maintain a safe community, and the marko team will investigate and take necessary actions.

  • Foster an environment of openness by avoiding deception or hiding information. Make use of our commenting feature to leave questions and answers beneath a listing to make sure you’re aligned with the other party.

  • Support fellow members, and if any conflicts arise, try to resolve them amicably and respectfully. Should you find yourself in a dispute with another user, reach out to our support team, and we’ll work diligently to mediate and find a fair solution that respects all parties involved.

3. No Scam or Prohibited Items

We seek to ensure member safety when selling and buying.

  • Set prices for your items that align with their condition. Fair pricing contributes to positive interactions within the community, while increasing the credibility of a listing, hence its likelihood to sell and to minimize returns.

  • You’ll find the list of items which are not allowed to be sold or bought on marko.

    • We strictly prohibit the listing and sale or replicas, counterfeit items, imitations and fake branded products. This includes products that falsely carry the trademark of a genuine brand. All luxury items should be accompanied by proof/certificate of authenticity.

  • If you encounter a potential scam, report it immediately. We’re here to assist you in preventing and identifying fraudulent behavior and keeping the marko marketplace secure.

4. Environmental Consciousness

Embrace being eco-friendly and saving the planet, one item at a time.

  • When packing an item, consider using minimal packaging materials to avoid unnecessary paper, cardboard, or plastic. Opt for sustainable alternatives to reduce the environmental impact of your shipments, and recycle existing packaging you might already have at home (a plastic bag or package used for a previous purchase).

5. Data Privacy

We follow stringent data protection policies to ensure your information is handled securely.

  • Refrain from sharing personal contact details, such as phone numbers of email addresses, directly with other users (eg. in the comment section under a listing). marko ensures secure communication by facilitating the sharing of necessary information through email in a safe and encrypted manner. Find out more about how to get in contact with the buyer or the seller.

6. The Power of Community

Our community plays a vital role in maintaining marko as a secure platform.

  • If you come across any behavior that violates our code of conduct, don’t hesitate to report it. Your vigilance and reports are critical to ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all. We encourage open communication, and we are committed to investigating every report and taking appropriate action.

  • To guarantee the well-being of the community, user who violate these guidelines may face consequences ranging from warnings to suspensions or permanent bans. It’s important to remember that our code of conduct is not set in stone, and is subject to regular updates and improvements as we gather feedback from users.

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